// tk 19.06.2000 created
// tk 21.10.2003 Fulltext Search box
// tk 25.07.2004 Multilingual and locale
// tk 30.07.2004 Artikel from relational structure (artikel_text)
// tk 22.11.2004 christbaum-Bild rein
// tk 08.01.2008 simple Navigation
// tk 28.05.2018 stripped down for GDPR
// -------------------------------------
if ($lang ==''){$lang = "de";}
//----------- Includes-------------
//require("shared/db_connect.php"); // DB-connect
//include("shared/library.php"); // functions
//include("shared/config.php"); // configurations
include("shared/php4.FastTemplate.php");//templating engine
require("locale/".$lang."/navi.prt"); // Navigation
// ---- Page specific includes
//include("shared/01_opener.php"); //Homepage Opener and news
$template = "01_start.tpl";
$navi = navi($lang,$cfg_suffix,"33CCFF","990000","660000","996600","FF9900","FFCC99",1);
$navi_kl = navi_kl($lang,$cfg_suffix,"33CCFF","990000","660000","996600","FF9900","FFCC99",1);
$logo ='
$news_ressort = 11;
$text = "";
//------------Assemble text---------------------
$form = "Liebe Doenerfreunde - nach 18 Jahren stellen wir den Betrieb von doener365.de ein.
Vielen Dank fuer lange Jahre Treue.
Bis bald!";
$news = "";
$navi ="";
$navi_kl ="";
//--------------- LANGUAGE SELECTOR-----
//$language_selector = func_language_selector($PHP_SELF,$QUERY_STRING);
$language_selector = "";
//-------------TEMPLATE- PARSEN---------------
$tpl = new FastTemplate("templates");
$tpl->define (array( "eingabe" => "$template" ));
$tpl->assign(array( "HTML_TITLE" => $txt_01_html_title,
"KEYWORDS" => $txt_01_keywords,
"TITLE" => $txt_01_claim,
"LOGO" => $logo,
"LANGUAGE" => $language_selector,
"TEXT" => $form,
"NEWS" => $news,
"BILD" => $bild,
"NAVI" => $navi,
"NAVI_KL" => $navi_kl
$tpl->parse("PAGE", "eingabe");